Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spot On

What a blur. The week went by so incredibly fast. From the moment we boarded the bus at Grenoble Gare Routiere, everything that happened afterward seems like a mere blink of the eye. We arrived at London Stansted around 10PM, rushed onto the bus into the city, and caught a taxi to Jackie's friend's apartment in Kensington. Apparently she was taking us to the biggest rave in London, and she had bought us advanced tickets so we could beat the lines before 1AM. Time check: 12:43. Before I could catch my breath, Lizzy was shoving a liter of Jack and Coke into our hands as we ran down the boulevard trying to flag down a black hackney. The cab pulled onto a street, and one of the last things I remember seeing was an endless line of people wrapped around the building behind velvet rope. That didn't phase Lizzy, though. She paid the cab driver and led us right to the bouncer at the entrance of the club. It only took thirty seconds of sweet-talking before he let us bypass the hundreds of people waiting outside. Star status.
Before I started swaying to house techno
I guess this guy bought all our drinks...

and this guy let us sleep in his roommates bed.
The first night was really crazy, so we toned it down during our last two days in London. After we checked into the Green Man Inn (highly recommended - good service, cheap rooms, ask for the Brazilian bartender downstairs), we spent the afternoon exploring the Westminster and St. James area. I finally stood under Big Ben, and crossed the Thames, and walked around the monstrosity that is Westminster Abbey, feeling smaller than ever. Didn't see the queen at the palace, though. Shame.
Asian [Chinese] New Year in Soho

And on the last day, we did a lot...
Kensington Gardens
Millennium Bridge
 Tate Modern
 Ishi's Light, Anish Kapoor
 Summertime: Number 9A, Jackson Pollock
 Water Lilies, Claude Monet
 Rineke Dijkstra
Tower Bridge

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