Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The beaches,
the boats,
the booze (sangria!),
the boys...
I really loved everything about Barcelona, from the sights to the taste palettes, the art-deco architecture to the Spanish coast, and everything you could possible find in between. When I walked down the streets, I sensed this feeling of calmness and serenity everywhere. There was a sort of peace between the inhabitants and the place in which they lived. The sun was beaming down on us. No one was in a rush to go anywhere. People were smiling, which made me smile. And I couldn't ignore the overwhelming sense that these people were happy. That sounds so cheesy and cliche, but I think that's what I enjoyed most about Barcelona. Everyone appreciated being there and taking pleasure in the simple things in life, like drinking pitchers of fruity sangria and then napping on the beach. Or rollerblading. I haven't seen that many boys on rollerblades or skateboards since it was cool for emo kids in high school. Oh, and the docks and docks lined with sailboats, yachts, powerboats...right along the boardwalks covered with tropical palm trees. Who wouldn't love life in a place like this? We went up to Montjuic and looked down at the city from an aerial view. Barcelona seemed like a golden paradise along the blue Mediterranean shores. The contrast of colors brought out the richest hues when sunlight hit the water. It felt unreal to be in such a beautiful place in the middle of March.

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