Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Never Have I Ever.
Five fingers up.
1) Never have I ever smelt so much weed wafting through the streets of a city from its local coffeeshops. Even the homeless reeked of weed. There are more coffeeshops in Amsterdam than there are Starbucks in New York City. You can buy any kind of marijuana for any kind of mood with any kind of effect you want. And it's cheap. Half an ounce for 15 euros.
2) Never have I ever seen so many bicycles in one place. I was more afraid of being run over by a cyclist than I was of a car or bus. You know, they say there are more bikes in Amsterdam than there are people. And about one-fourth of those bikes are stolen every year. 
Jackie, Sally, Doug, and I rented bikes in the afternoon. Riding through the street of Amsterdam, over the canals, and in between cars dodging pedestrians rates among one of my most memorable experiences in Europe thus far. I felt so free and so liberated. There's a huge difference between viewing a city by foot (aka. the tourist pedestrian) and by bike. Even though the bicycles were labeled with the renting company, I didn't feel quite as much like a foolish tourist. And the little bike bells are adorable. It's like a classier version of honking your horn.
3) Never have I ever witnessed prostitution so conspicuous and widely accepted as a norm. I became a little bit obsessed with the Red Light District. The place fascinated me, how the prostitutes would simply stand in their windows. Some didn't even try to put on any sort of show and just sat on their chairs texting their boyfriends. Men would knock on the glass, asking how much for a go, and if she was too expensive, he would move on to the next available girl three windows down. When someone entered the booth, the curtains were drawn, and that was that. I couldn't help but think how many people were having sex around me as I walked down one little alley way. At night, the streets were packed with people, mostly men. So surreal.
4) Never have I ever come across animal-shaped condoms. The Condomerie has every type of condom you would ever need, for any occasion. Feeling patriotic? The Statue of Liberty condom comes with torch fully raised. Can't wait for Christmas in nine months? Start early and fa-la-la-la-la with the Christmas Tree condom. Really, though. Imagine anything, and this place has it.
Just for funsies?
5) Never will I ever remember my 21st birthday. Proost!
Five fingers down.

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