Thursday, January 6, 2011

Centre Ville Grenoble

I was really nervous about meeting my host family today, especially because speaking French in Paris had been a struggle for the last three days. But once I unpacked my bags and downed a few glasses of wine, I was ready to start learning some real French. Sabine and Joel are fantastic. They have a really charming house decorated with all of their sculptures, and they only listen to American classic rock and indie/alternative. I was appreciative of their patience with me as I stuttered and stammered, trying to string together the right words. Fortunately, they are really understanding and hospitable Frenchies. I can already sense my level of proficiency with the language increasing the more I speak to them.

Grenoble is gorgeous. Nestled in a valley along the French Alps, there's no other place quite like it. I'm living right in the city center where all of the fun happens. There's something like 60,000 college students in Grenoble, and they all go out where I live. I step outside my house and I can choose between atleast fifteen bars within a minute's walking distance. I'm excited to start hitting up the bars and clubs with everyone from the program. Hopefully we can meet some locals, too. It's going to be a fun semester. Weekend starts tomorrow. I'm ready to take on Europe.

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